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Officially Incorporated On January 1, 2018,

HTF Today Inc. Was born out of a need in the market for a way to know who was sourcing their products, labor, and ingredients ethically. 


The Company

A eureka moment during an international law class in law school led to the development of innovative policies and procedures that check every aspect of a company for the support or existence of human trafficking. The brainchild of Sean Fletcher, over a period of a year the company's mission and logo were developed. The logo, a green stop sign with a black border and white letters "HTF" signifies many things. The green symbolizes GO out; and the shape signifies STOP human trafficking. The border symbolizes the plight of many african nations and the white letters "HTF" stand for "Human Trafficking Free" and the white color symbolizes the purity of our mission, which is to reduce human trafficking as much as possible by putting pressure on the corporate world to stop sourcing their goods and labor from forced labor or child labor.

Sean Fletcher is a Marine Corps Veteran and Law school graduate, soon to be attorney. 

The Goals and Objectives

The main goal of HTF Today Inc. is to reduce human trafficking to include forced labor and child labor.

Objectives include raising social awareness and utilizing current events to highlight the need for certification of companies as human trafficking free, using activism to put pressure on the corporate world to source their goods and labor fairly, and evolving into an international phenomenon. Also, there is the objective of supporting organizations that help human trafficking victims through being a non-profit organization that donates their profits to worthy organizations, and even directly helping victims when discovered in the course of business. 

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